How I passed AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam with free materials
Yesterday (14.01.22) I sat for the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam, and I passed. I am yet to see my results but that doesn’t matter since all that matters is that I passed, and I have a badge. Amazon normally sends the result five working days after sitting for the exam.
Initially, I did not want to spend on any courses either online or in-person or practice papers because I was determined to make it with free resources. I could pay for any resource, but I felt I got the voucher for free after joining the AWS Africa Challenge that gave about six thousand scholarships to anyone in Africa who wants to launch a career in the cloud or AWS so let me just do with free materials.
What I love about AWS is that you get to have a practice exam before sitting for the main AWS exam. I started learning with Exam topics because that site helped me pass my Azure Fundamentals and Azure Data Scientist Associate, so I trust the site. I was cocky at first, so I followed a few videos shared in the Scholarship, and the questions on Exam topics and to my surprise I failed the practice test, scoring 60% and that was when I awakened. I had to search for materials, not just any material but relevant ones.
After several searches, I found this article in medium by Hayati Zainal that shared some materials. Here is a link to that article. Some of the sites were deprecated so I will articulate the relevant materials I used and some surprise AWS services I’ve not heard of before but made surprise appearances. From the article, I followed the steps and first of it is to follow a 7-hour YouTube video. If you are a beginning or new to the cloud, I recommend you go through the video at least twice and please make notes.
Secondly, I looked at the cheat sheet on Digital Cloud Training. They have some paid courses, but the cheat sheets are free to use. Lastly, I resorted to practice questions on exam topics.
Some alien services I found were:
· AWS Macie
· AWS Snowcone
Finally, I recommend you get abreast with new AWS services since technologies change rapidly. Don’t be surprised this article will be irrelevant in a year due to changing technological inventions. The very best in your preparations.